Wednesday, September 14, 2011

TTL Formula for SCRUM

What are the key factors of a successful scrum team?  what is the magic formula that drive scrum teams to success? After wrestling around  with it for a while, I realized that 3 key factors, namely "Teamwork", "Talent" and "Leadership"  (TTL) determine success of a scrum team  above all else. and for the best performance, you need to arrange these factors in the correct order using a formula. Here's what I came up with

Collection of talented team players with leadership qualities = Successful Scrum Team
(Collection of Team Players)  X (Talent) X (Leadership ) = Successful Scrum Team

a(Teamwork)  X   b(Talent)   X    c(Leadership)   =  Successful Scrum Team
where a,b,c are constants.

As simple it may seems, I feel little description of this formula is necessary. It's obvious that each factor Teamwork, Talent and Leadership holds equal importance i.e. 0 value of any of these factors means a failing scrum team.

This surfaces the complexities of putting together a scrum team as well, you need to have the right combination of people. Also, it's vital that each individual of the team has leadership skills apart from talent and teamwork abilities, I feel this is a unique characteristic of scrum process. Unlike other SDLC processes having highly talented individuals with 0 leadership skills will not add any value to the success of the team.
Another point is , giving an effort to improve any of these factors (i.e. TTL) by increasing the constants (a, b and c) will have a direct impact on the success of the scrum team. I feel scrum teams need to put effort on improving these factors and try to improve teamwork, talent and leadership skills within the team to ensure the success.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Why we blog

an interesting internal workshop we had today was about social media and blogging played a major role in it. many things were discussed about the advantage of blogging to promote yourself, company etc.. but none of it completely made sense to me on the question of "Why we blog?"  I feel many people are trying to force themselves to blogging for all the wrong reasons. for example, blogging only to create a web presence and to build an image or blogging to promote the company that you work for.

I feel we should blog for ourselves, one of my mentors (Hasith Yaggahavita - has described in his blog that "Generally I write here to structure my own thinking". I feel that's a very good reason to blog (Actually I think that's what got me started blogging really). You need to understand that blogger is a great tool that allow you to write what's on your mind clearly, and for me, more I write or talk about a given subject, more clearer it gets. Hence, I am fully agreement with Hasith, and I blog for myself and to make the subject I write about  more clear to me. Of course others are more than welcome to voice their own ideas and contribute by commenting and challenging my views :)