Ok, finally found some time to finish this article :)
In the previous article I have explained the concepts of Application Life-cycle Management (ALM) and Continues Integration (CI). Here, I'm explaining in detail how to configure a fully working Continues Integration environment using Hudson in Windows.
I wanted to give a complete picture of the CI server configuration within windows and it's obvious that I can't explain this using a single blog post. hence, I have created .PDF file that explains the whole process step by step. You can download this article and keep it with your for future reference as well.
Download the article here.
Continues Integration Server for PHP
Please let me know if this has helped you. If you have any questions, just leave a comment and I'll try to resolve it for you.
I hope this article has been good learning experience for you as much as it has been for me. In the next article I'll be proposing a MVC based application design architecture that will be suitable for many enterprise level application development in PHP. Until next time, Keep blogging :)